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Have You Heard About AB 1482?

If you are a landlord in California, you may be interested......The California Association of Realtors has asked agents to urge our government officials to vote "NO" on AB 1482. Here are some reasons why......

  • The bill does not allow for “pass throughs” for repairs, such as a broken HVAC system or leaky roof. A small property owner has no way to offset these repair costs and is unable to absorb such costs under such restrictive rent caps. As a result, small property owners may decide to their pull units off rental the market rather than be forced to limit rents to such a degree.

  • AB 1482 discourages the creation of rental housing. Establishing restrictive rent caps and “just cause” eviction standards creates a disincentive for developers to build rental housing.

  • AB 1482 doesn’t address the core cause of the housing affordability crisis, which is the lack of supply.

  • AB 1482 does NOT prevent local jurisdictions from enacting rent control, contrary to what others are saying.

Source: CAR Government Affairs

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