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Have You Heard of the Balcony Inspection Law in California?

Not sure if you have heard but there is a new balcony inspection law that is now part of California law.
SB-326, also known as the California Balcony Inspection Law, requires the association of a condominium project to perform regular inspections of balconies, walkways, and decks on multi-family housing properties in California with re-inspection every 6 years. Associations with three or more units with at least one balcony must complete their initial balcony inspections by January 1, 2025. The association must hire a licensed professional to perform the inspection.

If an immediate safety risk is discovered, owners are required to mitigate by preventing occupant access to the affected areas, shoring, and conducting emergency repairs. If the damage does not pose an immediate safety risk, the owners may have additional time to apply for a permit and perform the repair work. Penalties may apply for non-compliance.

In addition, there is Civil Code 5551 that applies to common interest developments. The HOA must have exterior elevated elements inspected every 9 instead of 6 years BUT the initial inspection must be done by January 1, 2025.

Why was this law passed? In 2015, a tragic balcony accident in Berkeley, CA killed students. The state wants to prevent accidents on unsafe structures. I've head that it might impact financing in a complex that needs balcony repair or replacements but speak to your lender to get more information.

Source: National Law Review. Multifamily Building Owners: Are you Prepared to Meet Balcony Inspection Requirements by the January 1, 2025 Deadline?

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